How To Definitely Know If Your SEO Campaign Is Succeeding

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What you will learn: The one and only way to determine whether your SEO efforts are paying off.

Who should read this article: Company leaders and marketing directors.

Are You in the 1 Percent Club?

If asked, “Is your SEO campaign succeeding?” it is fair to say:

  • 50% of the companies have no idea
  • 49% of the companies think they know
  • 1% of the companies actually know

Companies with no idea whether their SEO campaigns are succeeding are usually guilty of the following:

  • They don’t bother to track results at all
  • Results aren’t being tracked granularly enough to provide any insight
  • They fail to meet regularly for strategic reviews of their campaign

Companies that think they whether their SEO campaigns are succeeding are usually guilty of the following:

  • They track online form inquiries but not phone inquiries
  • They do not distinguish inquires from sales leads

Companies that actually know whether their SEO campaigns are succeeding are ones that understand two things the other 99% do not:

  • Phone inquiries must be tracked, because they account for a substantial number of inquiries.
  • Sales leads must be validated, because a substantial amount of inquiries are not sales leads, but rather misdials, sales solicitations, customer service inquiries and spam.

Track All Inquiries and Then Validate Them

In order to definitely know whether your SEO campaign is succeeding, you must track ALL of the inquiries, and then validate them to isolate the true sales leads from everything else.

Only in this way will you be able to say with confidence that you know how well your SEO campaign is going. In other words, you will be able to say:

  • “In June, our SEO campaign generated ‘x’ number of true sales leads with a potential revenue of ‘y.’”
  • “Campaign-to-date, our SEO campaign has generated ‘x’ number of leads with a potential revenue of ‘y’ and a realized revenue of ‘z’”

Only when you can make statements as specific as these will you truly know how well your SEO campaign is succeeding.

Straight North will give you a campaign you can evaluate with 100% accuracy.

Call us at 855-883-0011 or request a quote online.

Digital Marketing Experts

This was written by one of Straight North’s digital marketing experts. Our team stays up to date on the latest digital marketing trends and best practices to inform our audience and create strategies that deliver results for our clients.

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