Build SEO And Engagement With These 15 B2B Blog Post Themes

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For B2Bs, a company blog is an excellent way to enhance SEO and cultivate an engaged customer base. The eternal challenge: coming up with relevant, interesting topics. Here are 15 themes illustrated with a single industry, which should be helpful in developing ideas relevant to your business.

1. Analysis: Broad Economic Recovery, Not Lower Prices, Explains Rising Forklift Sales

2. Announce or Update a Promotion: $500 Off All ABC Forklift Truck Purchases This Month

3. Case Study: How BIG Logistics Corp. Reduced Energy Consumption With Our ABC Forklift Trucks

4. Describe Services: How Our New Forklift Leasing Program Works

5. Feature a Product: New ABC Forklift Truck Has Breakthrough Energy-Saving Technology

6. Interview a Customer: Forks, Inc. Talks to John Smith, Warehouse Manager of BIG Logistics Corp.

7. Interview an Employee: Forks, Inc. Talks to Karen Gray, Our Customer Service Manager

8. Interview a Supplier: Forks, Inc. Talks to Jane Smith, Director of Manufacturing, Quality Forklifts, Inc.

9. Opinion: Forklift Industry Leasing Programs Are Too Complex

10. Recommend Reading: Good to Great Is a Must Read for Operations Managers

11. Report Facts: Industrywide Sales of New Forklifts Increase 4% in Q309

12. Share Internal Issues: Should We Offer 24-Hour Online Chat — The Debate Goes On

13. Showcase a Customer: How BIG Logistics Corp. Takes Link After Link Out of the Supply Chain

14. Solicit New Ideas: How Can We Improve Our Forklift Leasing Program?

15. Spark Conversation: Share Your Forklift Horror Stories

If you are on a once-a-month publishing calendar, these 15 ideas will keep you going for more than a year — We hope this helps!

If you‘d like to discuss your SEO requirements in more detail, please contact us now.

Digital Marketing Experts

This was written by one of Straight North’s digital marketing experts. Our team stays up to date on the latest digital marketing trends and best practices to inform our audience and create strategies that deliver results for our clients.

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