SEO For E-Commerce Is Not For The Faint Of Heart

SEO campaigns can be geared for lead generation (typically, B2B) or revenue generation (e-commerce).

Lead generation SEO is tough … but e-commerce SEO is tougher.

  • The SEO landscape in e-commerce is as competitive as it gets. Why? Because lead generation companies have other means of producing leads, whereas almost all e-commerce companies must capture organic search engine traffic in order to survive.

  • That being the case, e-commerce companies must learn the ins and outs of SEO, and must invest a big part of their marketing budget in an SEO campaign. This means e-commerce competition is smarter and better funded than what you often see in lead generation campaigns.

  • With smart and well-funded competition, e-commerce firms new to SEO or at a serious competitive disadvantage must work overtime to build links and move up in the rankings — and it won’t be easy.

All this does not mean e-commerce companies in such a situation should look for other marketing options. SEO can work — and will work — under the following conditions:

  • Exceptionally strong keyword research is used to uncover less competitive but highly converting options.

  • Targeting the right websites and blogs for link building, then producing high-quality content to earn those links.

  • Properly funding the campaign, and establishing metrics to determine ROI.

  • Giving the SEO campaign enough time to succeed — it may be a matter of months or even a year.

  • Making sure the website is designed with terrific conversion rate optimization (CRO) and user experience (UX) functionality — as well as being rock solid for SEO in terms of development, navigational structure, content and design.

Not sure your e-commerce SEO campaign is on the right track? Contact us to discuss your challenges and learn more about how we can assist.

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