7 Tips for B2B Remarketing

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Refreshing a lead’s memory about your brand is a powerful strategy for more than retailers. Even as a B2B brand, whether you sell software to accountants or machinery to the military, remarketing is an incredibly useful tool. By reaching out to an audience that already has some familiarity with what you do, you reach out to an audience of warm leads, more likely to respond to your marketing efforts. Are you taking advantage of B2B remarketing in your sales efforts? You should.

With that in mind, here are some tips for getting B2B remarketing right:

1. Test, Retest, and Test Again

As with all of your marketing efforts, your remarketing is only as good as the results supporting it—so test everything. Set up clear metrics to measure the results of each remarketing campaign. Set specific goals (50% increase in email subscribers, doubled sales in two months, etc.) and align your measurement tools accordingly. When you have clear information telling you what is and isn’t working, you’re better equipped to adjust your marketing as needed.

2. Remarket to Recent Leads

In many cases, previous website visitors or customers will forget about your brand as time passes—that’s why you need to remarket quickly. Don’t focus on prospects from two years ago; focus on those who abandoned shopping carts within the last month, for example. Keep a short window between a visitor’s interest and your attempt to remarket to him or her. This yields the best results.

3. But Don’t Remarket Immediately to Recent Leads

There’s no faster way to turn off prospects than by seeming desperate. If you target customers immediately after they visit your site, for example, you leave no time for slower decision makers to consider their purchases or do a little research.

4. Don’t Remarket to Everyone

Use “negative audiences” to keep your ads from targeting the wrong group of individuals. Say you’re using remarketing to prospects in your zip code, for example, hoping to win over some local business; you’d want to exclude visitors from other areas, as well as visitors who are in your zip code but who have already converted.

5. Diversify Your Strategy

According to an article published this summer at Search Engine Land, almost half of survey respondents only used one method of remarketing: Google’s. While Google’s program is user-friendly and convenient, it is only one option—for the best results, companies should combine various programs. Other options include Simpli.fi, Adroll, RocketFuel, Ebay Enterprise, and Quantcast, for example.

6. Craft Custom Messages

The best remarketing is customized to particular users. Don’t remarket with generic, one-size-fits-all advertising. Rather, consider the purpose, the prospect, and the product. Crafting your ads to your prospects typically leads to better conversions over time.

7. Be Consistent

While custom messages are more powerful than generic ones, that doesn’t mean your messages shouldn’t be consistent. All of your messaging reflects you and who you are, so use it to reinforce your messaging. Whatever you’re advertising, make sure the way you talk about it is consistent with your brand.

If you haven’t already started using remarketing in your B2B advertising efforts, what are you waiting for? As you jump into the remarketing realm, use the tips in this post to guide your efforts.

Shanna Mallon is a writer for Straight North, covering social media, content marketing and branding.

Digital Marketing Experts

This was written by one of Straight North’s digital marketing experts. Our team stays up to date on the latest digital marketing trends and best practices to inform our audience and create strategies that deliver results for our clients.

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