Trucking Digital Marketing Agency

The logistics and supply chain industry has long relied primarily on networking and word of mouth to generate business. While these methods work very well, they are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to marketing for trucking.

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If you would like to expand your trucking business, and/or improve your driver recruiting program, here are some suggestions for improving your trucking marketing results.

Make sure your branding delivers

Lackluster branding won’t deliver the message about the benefits you offer your customers, and will result in lackluster sales. If you specialize in logistics for a particular industry or geographical area, or offer unique trucking services, your branding ought to reflect that. If it doesn’t, consider hiring a trucking marketing firm to refresh your brand into something that really stands out and differentiates you from all other trucking companies. Then, incorporate your new branding into all aspects of your marketing, including web design, employee uniforms and, of course, on the most visible aspect of your business — your trucks!

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Establish yourself as a leader in your industry

People naturally gravitate toward leaders as people they can trust to do well. You can leverage this tendency in your marketing by contributing thought leadership articles to logistics industry magazines and blogs, and by publishing your own blog and promoting on social media. It is also a good idea to submit press releases whenever you have a newsworthy event, and to seek speaking opportunities in the business community. If the thought of writing your own articles and speeches intimidates you, don’t worry — a good trucking marketing agency can do the heavy driving so all you have to do is sit back and enjoy the ride.

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Drive traffic online

Internet marketing opens a huge amount of untapped lead generation potential for the trucking industry. If you are not yet tapped into the digital space, consider adding one or more of the following digital marketing tactics to your fleet:

  • Search engine optimization (SEO) positions your website high in search results so people who are looking for your trucking services find you before they find your competitors.
  • Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising brings in qualified online leads fast.
  • Retargeting allows you to continue to reach people who have visited your site, and can increase conversion rates by 50-100 percent or more.
  • Contextual targeting is a sophisticated type of online display ad that matches your ads closely to sites with similar content to increase response.
  • Site targeting enables highly specific online advertising to laser target your most promising prospects.
  • Social media increases brand recognition and taps into the power of social sharing. It’s also an excellent way to improve your customer service.
  • Email marketing lets you easily and cost effectively follow up with leads and increase sales to existing customers.

Which online marketing strategies will deliver the best results for you? That depends on your unique company and situation. A good place to start is to consult with an experienced trucking marketing company that can point you in the right direction.

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