Here is a list of blogging best practices that apply to business blogs. If you're just starting out with a blog, these tips may save you a lot of time - and perhaps a little heartache as well. If you already have a blog, please let us know if you have additional tips or see items here you beg to differ with.
- Define your target audience(s) as precisely as possible
- Decide whether blog will be primarily informational or editorial in nature
- Determine a writing style: formal, informal, controversial, etc.
- Establish broad topic categories
- Articulate how your audience will benefit from reading your blog
- Determine what action(s) you want visitors to take after reading a post
- Define your commenting process: Will comments be allowed, will they be moderated in advance of publishing, etc.
- Establish a commenting policy to set ground rules for what constitutes appropriate discussion
- Ensure that writers and editors understand legal and corporate policy guidelines for issues such as confidentiality, libel, etc.
- Create an editorial calendar detailing post frequency, the category of each post and a topic
- Articulate goals to serve as measurements of success
- Identify metrics to associate with each goal
Design and Functionality
- Select either a two-column or magazine style format
- Avoid dark background/light text color schemes: too hard to read
- Make sure font size is readable for your target audience
- Set up RSS subscription feed
- Set up email subscription feed
- Create a unique email address from which to send email subscription emails
- Create a name for your feed that is clear and memorable
- Add social media links to company Twitter page, Facebook page, etc., to sidebar or header
- Place RSS and email feeds high on the blog sidebar
- Set up a post category block on the sidebar
- Set up an archive block on the sidebar
- Set up a recent post block on the sidebar
- Make sure post title links are clickable
- Make sure author name(s) appear as desired on blog post home page and permalink page
- Set up comment subscription capability if comments are allowed
- Do not require readers to login in order to leave a comment
- Add socialization buttons at top and bottom of each post
- Important socialization buttons (as of this writing) include Twitter, Facebook Like, Google+ and StumbleUpon
- Display 7-10 recent post excerpts on blog home page
- Never assign more than one category to a post
- Configure permalink URLs to display the post title
- Make sure anchor text color is clearly visible
- Check styling of H tags, block quotes and image captions for readability
- Thoroughly test design and functionality (in all popular browsers) before going live
Search Engine Optimization
- Train all writers and editors in SEO copywriting
- In the editorial calendar, assign at least one keyword phrase to each post
- Have an SEO specialist determine optimum word counts for posts
- Include primary keyword phrase in the post's meta title and H1 title tag
- Include keyword phrases in H2 titles and body text up to three times per phrase - if it can be done naturally
- Add a related post plugin that displays 4-5 contextually (not randomly) related posts
- Make sure blog platform allows for customization of URLs, meta titles and meta descriptions
- Always optimize image titles and file names
- Seek to optimize image ALT descriptions and captions
- Avoid tags and multiple categories assigned to a post, as they create duplicate content issues
- If an extensive blogroll is desired, place it on a unique page rather than on the blog sidebar: too many outbound links can dissipate authority
Writing Tips
- Blog posts can be less formal than business Web pages: write as if you are talking to a real person
- Keep paragraphs under six lines whenever possible
- Use bullets and numbered lists to break up text
- Word counts of 300-500 are sufficient for most editorial and basic informational posts
- Word counts of 500+ are fine for detailed informational posts - but the information must be valuable
- A high impact blog post often tackles only one issue or makes only one point: avoid the tendency to say it all
- Place images above or at the top right of the post: this positioning flows easily with the reader's eye
- Especially for a complex post, have one or two people preview it for clarity
- Start with your conclusion and work backwards: a good business blog post has a point
- Use standard socialization buttons so readers can quickly locate them and understand what they do
- If comments are moderated in advance of publishing, make sure a system is in place to publish them quickly: slow approval discourages commentators
- Respond thoughtfully to every comment (using common sense as a guide)
- Learn to recognize and do not publish spam comments
- Leave posts open-ended enough to encourage readers to expand on or react to key points
- Conclude posts with a question or provocative statement
- Popular posts most often shed light on complex issues, present a creative point of view and/or consolidate valuable information and resources
- Post titles and subheads are read far more often than body text, so they should be written to attract attention and yet remain relevant to the subject matter
- Soliciting guest bloggers is an effective method of attracting new readers and building a social network
- Becoming a guest blogger is also effective for attracting new readers and building a social network
- Authenticity is a key trait for building a community: it's OK to say "I don't know," or "I made a mistake."
OVER TO YOUWhat blog best practices tips can you add to my list?
Do you see tips above that don't belong?