5 Super Internet Marketing Articles

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Author: | Digital Marketing Experts

Trying to get smart? Here is some good reading for Internet marketing professionals.

  1. The Guestblogalypse: How to get links without guest blogs. If you’re looking for new link building tactics for your SEO, this article describes several good ones. Guest blogging is still important, but it can’t be a standalone tactic.

  2. Neil Patel offers lots and lots and lots of details about a link building technique that was definitely new to me: How to Use Reverse Image Search to Build 26% More Backlinks. For clients with a rich, long history of producing high-quality images, this approach should work very well.

  3. We think conversion rate optimization is an underdeveloped piece of many B2B websites. Lindsay Kolowich recently wrote a great article on CRO for Moz, 6 CRO Mistakes You Might Be Making. Well worth studying whether you’re dealing with a B2B or B2C site.

  4. So much to do … so little time. Here’s a very helpful post by Markus Pirker, How to prioritize usability issues. These suggestions will help you create a sensible to-do list.

  5. YIKES! Greg Sterling reports 43 percent of marketers say 75 percent of their content isn’t being consumed. Content marketing continues to be a challenging area where the investment and the return don’t always work out. If you’re struggling to make business sense out of your content, this article, if nothing else, will show you you’re not alone.

Digital Marketing Experts

This was written by one of Straight North’s digital marketing experts. Our team stays up to date on the latest digital marketing trends and best practices to inform our audience and create strategies that deliver results for our clients.

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