Agricultural Digital Marketing Company

Agriculture may be the oldest industry on the planet, but it’s no stranger to technology. This is as true when it comes to marketing as it is in the field.

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Smart agriculture marketing employs multiple channels to drive traffic and make the sale, both online and offline. Whether you do it in-house or engage an experienced agriculture marketing firm, employing a strategic mix of agriculture marketing services such as email, SEO and PPC — as well as offline strategies — will help you stay top of mind in the market.

Let’s take a look at a few of the most important Internet marketing tactics any agriculture marketing company should consider using to stay ahead of the competition.

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Promoting Your Agriculture Business With SEO Marketing

Simply put, SEO (search engine optimization) uses specific marketing strategies and techniques to get your site to rank high on Google and other popular search engines. The advantage of SEO is that once you rank on the first page of Google for your products and services, you will achieve optimal exposure to the segment of the market that is actively seeking what you offer. This helps to shorten sales cycles, as well as build credibility for your company.

PPC and Agriculture Marketing

While SEO is a formidable way to build your brand, it’s a long-term strategy that grows, in effect, over time. For times when an agriculture business needs to drive traffic quickly (such as when a startup needs to create quick cash flow, or for controlled sales of seasonal items and products), pay per click (PPC) is an excellent option. Like all direct advertising, there is an art and a science to PPC. Done well, it delivers quick, reliable, predictable and scalable results.

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Social Media for Agriculture Companies

No discussion of marketing for agriculture would be complete without mention of social media. This is especially true for agriculture companies that provide food and other products directly to the public. However, B2B companies also benefit from using social media channels to create a strong brand following. Social media platforms can also function very well as channels for customer service.

Agriculture Marketing Offline

Everything you do online to promote your agriculture business can, and should, dovetail with your offline promotional activities. Social media, email blasts, and PPC campaigns can be used to fill offline events, promote your brick-and-mortar locations and expand upon your offline messaging and branding. Consistency is very important, so enlisting the help of a good agriculture marketing agency can be invaluable in making sure that your online and offline campaigns are structured for seamless integration.

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